Volunteer With Us
PsyCare UK attracts a diverse group of volunteers.
Our team includes substance misuse workers, doctors, students, neuroscientists, nurses, and experienced festival goers. What unites all our volunteers, however, is a caring and compassionate approach to the needs of all the attendees of a festival. All our highly knowledgeable and empathetic volunteers work on a person-led approach to anyone requiring support.
We are a community that believes in looking out and caring for others, and this considerate approach is reflected in the high quality of welfare and harm reduction services we offer.
If you are interested in volunteering with us, then please consider submitting an application form.
Although skills such as first aid, medical training, and counselling qualifications are appreciated, please be aware that not possessing these isn’t a barrier to application.
Many of our best volunteers have no formal qualifications related to welfare.
The main skills we look for in all potential applicants are the ability to care for other people in a non-judgemental and compassionate way, and an understanding of the nature of the psychedelic experience.
Why Volunteer With PsyCare?
Receive training in psychedelic support, welfare, and harm reduction.
Use your empathy, compassion and love to help others.
Gain valuable and unique experience and become part of the wider psychedelic community/movement.
Help to promote a harm reduction approach to drug use, and promote sensible drug policies that respect human rights.
An opportunity to meet and network with other like-minded people, (which is likely to be useful for those wishing to pursue a career in psychedelic therapy.)
If selected you will receive a crew all access ticket for for all events you’ll be volunteering at.
If you are interested in volunteering in a welfare/caring role please complete the form and follow the details in the confirmation email that you will receive upon submission.
You only need to register if you have not registered to volunteer with us before – contact us if in doubt.
We begin reviewing and replying to volunteer applications in batches, after the end of festival season for the upcoming season. We will notify both successful and unsuccessful volunteers by the end of April.
If you are interested in learning how to support somebody during psychedelic crises, but don’t want to apply to become a volunteer, you can sign up to our 2 day in-person training course.
When: 22nd & 23rd March 2025
Location: London, UK
Deadline for new applications – January 31st. Two-day volunteer training days over the weekend 9th to 12th May.
Welfare/caring role not for you?
If you’re interested in getting involved in another way please complete this form.
We need people with the following skills:
Writing & editing, volunteer coordination, communications, social media, law, graphic design, web development, astrophysics, accountancy, and more.
Application Guide
Stage 1 – Register to volunteer
Complete the registration form. This will enter your details into our volunteer database.
Stage 2 – Complete the application form
To complete your application you will need to fill in an application form and obtain a reference.
Stage 3 – Attend volunteer training
Training is compulsory for all new volunteers. Volunteer training takes place annually each spring.
Stage 4 – Register your availability for events
The availability form will go live in the Spring. This form will enable you to select which events in the season you are available for. You can fill in the availability form as many times as you like so please keep your availability up to date.
Please don’t complete the availability form until you have completed steps 1 and 2.
You will be considered for each event that you have indicated availability for. We try to give all suitable applicants an opportunity, but we cannot guarantee this due to the number of applications we receive and the factors that we need to take into account when putting teams together.
There are often last minute drop-outs, when this happens we will contact those who indicated availability but were not selected. If you are able to join the team at short notice in these circumstances, it is likely that you will be called upon.